NSW Ambulance Patient Charter

The rights covered in this charter are in alignment with and reflective of the national approach outlined in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.

You have the right to:


  • Access emergency healthcare that meets your needs
  • Receive inclusive and appropriate care that is respectful of your beliefs and values


  • Receive safe and high-quality health care that meets current best practice and national standards
  • Partner with us make decisions about your healthcare to the extent that you choose and are able
  • Involve others, for example, carers or family members, in decision making about your care to the extent that you choose


  • Be treated as an individual, and with dignity and respect
  • Have your culture, identity, beliefs, and choices recognised and respected


  • Have your privacy respected
  • Have information about you and your health kept secure and confidential


  • Be provided with clear and accurate information about your condition, treatment and care so you can make informed decisions
  • Be provided with assistance to help you to understand information
  • Request access to your health information


  • Provide feedback or compliments, and express concerns without it affecting the way that you are treated
  • Have your concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way

How you can assist:

  • Treat staff with respect
  • Provide accurate information to assist in your care
  • Participate in your care decisions to the extent
    that you are able

Click here to download the PDF version of the NSW Ambulance Patient Charter.