Will Medicare cover the cost of my ambulance bill?

No, Medicare does not cover the cost of ambulance services.

How are ambulance charges determined?

NSW Ambulance charges for the services provided which includes assessment on scene and/or transport. You will be charged for the service provided to you regardless of who may have called Triple Zero (000).

The chargeable kilometres you see on your bill are calculated by determining the total number of kilometres that are travelled by road, fixed wing aircraft or helicopter. This calculation includes the round trip distance between:

  • the base ambulance station nearest to the location of the patient
  • to the location of the patient
  • to the destination where that patient disembarked from the ambulance (if transported), and
  • back to the base ambulance station referred to above.

What are the ambulance fees?

  • if you are a resident of NSW you will be charged at the rate of 51% of the actual cost of the provision of an emergency ambulance services. That is because the government subsidises the cost of ambulance services
  • from 1 July 2024 NSW residents requiring road, fixed wing aircraft or helicopter or a combination of these, from the scene of an accident, illness or injury to a public hospital or other destination nominated by NSW Ambulance will be charged a call out fee of $445 plus an additional charge of $4.02 per kilometre or part thereof
  • if you require non-emergency transport such as transport for ongoing medical treatment you will be charged a call-out fee of $351 plus an additional $2.17 per kilometre or part thereof.

Are any NSW Ambulance services provided free of charge?

Some ambulance services are provided free of charge to people who meet certain criteria.

Pensioners/Concession card holders

If you hold one of the valid cards listed below and were in receipt of a benefit entitlement at the time of receiving your ambulance service in NSW you will not need to pay for your ambulance service:

  • Health Care Card
  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card
  • Repatriation Health Card – (also known as “Gold Card”) issued by the Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Repatriation Health Card – (also known as “White Card”) issued by the Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs, but only for ambulance services which relate to a specific condition that is funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.


NSW Ambulance services are also provided at no cost to you if:

  • you are covered by a private health fund or have ambulance only cover
  • you were a student covered by a school or group contribution
  • the ambulance service is covered by a workers compensation, motor accident or third party insurance claim
  • you were a child or young person in the care or parental responsibility of the State or in receipt of financial assistance under the Children and Young Person’s (Care and Protection) Act 1998
  • you required an ambulance following a sexual assault
  • you required an ambulance following domestic violence or child abuse
  • you were being taken to a declared mental health facility pursuant to the Mental Health Act 2007 or the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 as it was considered you may need to be involuntarily detained
  • you were in a motor vehicle accident involving a NSW registered vehicle and the incident occurred on a public road within NSW
  • your expenses are being paid by the Lifetime Care and Support Authority.

What type of insurance can I get to cover ambulance costs?

There are a number of insurance options available which include:

Private health fund - hospital cover

Private health funds in NSW pay an “ambulance levy” are required to pay a levy to the NSW Government to cover the costs of ambulance services used by their members. Members of such funds are exempt from paying ambulance fees. If you have or are considering this form of insurance you are advised to check with your health fund to confirm exactly what coverage is provided.

Private health fund - ambulance only cover

The major private health funds offer “ambulance only” products. The cost of purchasing this type of product varies and may not necessarily cover the costs of the provision of all ambulance services. You should check with your health fund to confirm exactly what coverage is provided.

School/group contributions scheme

School groups in NSW are able to obtain ambulance services coverage direct from NSW Ambulance. This coverage provides ambulance services to children injured or who become ill while engaged in an approved school activity. Some conditions apply. Further information on this product is available by contacting NSW Ambulance on telephone 1300 655 200 (toll free).

Workers compensation/third party insurance

In certain circumstances compulsory third party (CTP) or workers compensation insurance may cover the provision of ambulance services. For further information please contact your insurance company or your employer.

If I receive a bill what do I do?

Insurance cover

If you have hospital cover or ambulance only cover please provide your health fund details and membership number online at www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au/our-services/accounts-and-fees or by telephoning 1300 655 200 (toll free) so that we can verify your membership details with your fund. Do not pay the bill.


If you are an eligible pensioner you must provide your pension number online at www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au/our-services/accounts-and-fees or by telephoning 1300 655 200 (toll free). Do not pay the bill.

Workers compensation/third party insurance

If the bill relates to a workplace injury or motor vehicle collision please provide your claim details online at www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au/our-services/accounts-and-fees or contact us on 1300 655 200 with your claim details ready.

School/group contributions

Please note that school/group contributions only cover students, not staff of the school. If coverage has been taken out by a school or other group, the school / group stamp must be provided on the bill and returned to NSW Ambulance.

What if I am not covered by any of the above and do not pay my bill?

If you are not entitled to free ambulance services, payment of the bill is required.

If you do not pay your bill it will be referred to the Revenue NSW Recovery Office for fee recovery action which may include:

  • a garnishee order in relation to wages or salary
  • a property seizure order
  • a charge on land owned by the debtor.

If the debt is referred to the Revenue NSW to take fee recovery action, you will also be charged additional fee recovery costs of $65, plus the Sheriff’s additional costs if applicable.

The ambulance was called by a third party (eg., Police, Fire & Rescue NSW or a doctor) so why did I receive the bill?

The patient who receives the service from NSW Ambulance is responsible for payment of the bill, regardless of who may have placed the Triple Zero (000) phone call.

How do I request a fee review due to hardship (financial or non-financial) or dispute a bill?

Please refer to the Fee Review Policy or the Fee Review Frequently Asked Questions sheet for details. These can be found at www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au/our-services/accounts-and-fees.

What if I am unsure as to what to do regarding a bill that I have received?

Please contact the NSW Ambulance Customer Service Centre ‘Enquiries’ by telephoning 1300 655 200 (toll free) or email Ambulance-financeaccounts@health.nsw.gov.au.

I’ve just paid my bill for ambulance services. Where does my payment go?

Payment of ambulance fees is extremely important to maintain a sustainable future for NSW Ambulance. The fee that you are charged assists NSW Ambulance in operating its service by helping to pay for things such as paramedics, equipment, and fleet.

Your payment will assist NSW Ambulance in ensuring that we have skilled paramedics and up to date equipment so that we can continue to provide this essential service to the community.

Further information

24 hr Complaints Hotline
Tel: 1800 269 133
Email: AMBULANCE-GeneralEnquiry@health.nsw.gov.au

This information is a guide only on the understanding that the NSW Ambulance shall have no liability arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information and whether caused by reason of any error, negligent act, omission or misrepresentation in the information or otherwise.

Download the NSW Ambulance fees for NSW residence FAQ pdf.