Will Medicare cover the cost of my ambulance bill?

No, Medicare does not cover the cost of ambulance services.

How are NSW Ambulance charges determined?

NSW Ambulance charges for services provided in accordance with the Health Services Act 1997 including assessment on scene and/or transport. You will be charged for the service provided to you regardless of who may have called Triple Zero (000).

The chargeable kilometres you see on your bill are calculated by determining the total number of kilometres that are travelled by road, fixed wing aircraft or helicopter. This calculation includes the round trip distance between:

  • the base ambulance station nearest to the location of the patient
  • to the location of the patient
  • to the destination where that patient disembarked from the ambulance (if transported), and
  • back to the base ambulance station referred to above.

What are the ambulance fees for non NSW residents?

Residents of States and Territories other than New South Wales shall be charged full cost as follows:

Cost of NSW Ambulance services – 2024/25
ServiceFull cost
Emergency call out$873
Emergency per km$7.88
Non-emergency call out*$351
Non-emergency per km$2.17

*Non-emergency refers to non-critical care services such as booked transports to take patients for routine medical appointments or to transport a patient between health facilities.

I don’t live in NSW. Am I covered for NSW Ambulance services?

Queensland residents

Permanent residents of Queensland who receive an ambulance service in NSW are covered by Queensland Ambulance Service. You will need to forward a copy of your invoice and proof of Queensland residence to:

Interstate Accounts
Queensland Ambulance Service
GPO Box 1425
Brisbane QLD 4001

The Queensland Ambulance Service does not automatically cover repatriation from a NSW hospital to Queensland. Before arranging repatriation your medical team should confirm your entitlements with the Queensland Ambulance Service or your health fund. If you have any enquiries about your coverage as a resident of Queensland you can contact the Queensland Ambulance Service by emailing qasdebt@ambulance.qld.gov.au or calling 13 74 68.

South Australian residents

Please note that as of July 2015 the South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) no longer covers the cost of interstate transports for SA pensioners who do not hold an ambulance membership with SAAS which includes interstate coverage.

If you have any enquiries about your coverage as a South Australian resident you can contact the South Australian Ambulance Scheme by emailing SAASAmbulanceCover@health.sa.gov.au or calling 1300 13 62 72.

Residents of other states

Residents of Western Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory are covered under reciprocal agreements with the NSW Government and are charged the full rates.

You will need to forward the NSW Ambulance invoice directly to your respective State Ambulance Service or your private health fund for and finalisation of the account.

If the above does not apply to you and you do not fall under any of the other exemption categories, you will remain responsible for payment of the invoice.

For further enquiries about your state coverage contact:

  • ACT Ambulance Service: (02) 6207 9990
  • Ambulance Victoria: 1300 366 141
  • Ambulance Tasmania: (03) 6230 8583
  • St John Ambulance WA: (08) 9334 1222
  • St John Ambulance NT: (08) 8922 6200.

Overseas tourists

There are no reciprocal agreements for ambulance services in NSW and overseas tourists. Overseas tourists visiting the state of NSW are responsible for payment of the full cost of service.

Overseas tourists are encouraged to purchase travel insurance or private health fund cover for the duration of their stay in Australia.

Payment of your invoice must be by cheque (bank draft) made payable in Australian dollars or by using a credit card online at www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au You should first confirm any additional fees and charges with your bank if using a credit card.

Request a receipt of payment to claim reimbursement through your travel insurance if applicable.

What happens if I am not covered by any of the above and I do not pay my bill?

If you are not entitled to free ambulance services, payment of the bill is required. If you do not pay your bill it will be referred to Revenue NSW for fee recovery action which may include:

  • a garnishee order in relation to wages or salary
  • a property seizure order
  • a charge on land owned by the debtor.

If the debt is referred to the State Debt Recovery Office to take fee recovery action, you will also be charged additional fee recovery costs of $65 and any applicable Sheriff’s costs.

Further information

24 hr Complaints Hotline:
Tel: 1800 269 133
Email: AMBULANCE-GeneralEnquiry@health.nsw.gov.au

This information is a guide only on the understanding that the NSW Ambulance shall have no liability arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information and whether caused by reason of any error, negligent act, omission or misrepresentation in the information or otherwise.

Download the NSW Ambulance fees for interstate-overseas residents FAQ pdf.