NSW Ambulance works with a variety of health partners across NSW in conjunction with NSW Health, to provide the best possible care for the people of NSW.

Patient Transport Service (formerly known as NEPT or Non-Emergency Patient Transport) is a NSW Health service for patients who require transport to, or from, a health facility such as a hospital or rehabilitation unit but do not need a time-critical emergency ambulance.

Patients must be assessed by a medical practitioner or registered nurse as medically unsuitable for community, public or private transport before being eligible for PTS.

For more information about PTS, including patient eligibility and online bookings visit the NSW Health PTS website.

Healthdirect Australia is a free telephone service that anyone can ring for advice or information on health matters like a specific condition 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

A registered nurse is on hand to help you decide the best course of action or to link you with appropriate local health facilities for follow up and treatment. Alternatively, you may want information about a specific health condition or about where to find after-hours health services.

This new service will give you timely advice on health problems you, or someone you are caring for

including children, are experiencing.

Healthdirect Australia is there to meet all these needs. Of course, if you have a health emergency you still dial Triple Zero (000) and ask for Ambulance.

To contact Healthdirect Australia phone 1800 022 222. Calls on landlines will be free but mobile charges may apply. Visit the website www.healthdirect.org.au

Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

On 22 July 2008, Australian Health Ministers endorsed the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights and recommended its use nationwide.The Commission has also developed additional resource material for patients, consumers, families and carers and healthcare providers and facilities to support the use of the Charter and are available for download in pdf format.

Visit the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare website to learn more about the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. You can download resources and watch videos on this site.