Leaving a bequest in your will to NSW Ambulance

A bequest is a gift that is passed on by means of your will. You can make a bequest of any size, big or small that will be gifted from your estate after you pass away. Who you choose to leave a bequest to is known as a ‘beneficiary.’

If you wish to make NSW Ambulance a beneficiary, follow these steps:

  1. Discuss your wishes with the people close to you.
  2. Get in touch with a solicitor or public trustee to write a will. Working with a solicitor or public trustee will ensure your will is legally sound and carried out how you intended.
  3. To make a simple bequest to NSW Ambulance we recommend using the text below in your will.

Wording for bequests

“I give the sum of $_______________ to NSW Ambulance for any purpose connected with the provision of any NSW Ambulance service, or any of the functions of the organisation, and direct that NSW Ambulance, may use the bequest in any manner which at its discretion it may decide”.

Your legal advisor can assist if the bequest is more complex.