Donations and Sponsorship

NSW Ambulance is a world class emergency and mobile health service, and a key part of our state’s dynamic health system. Every dollar donated helps NSW Ambulance extend the important work that we do.

Donate Today

Each year, NSW Ambulance receives more than 1.1 million Triple Zero (000) calls for assistance and our vehicles travel more than 46 million kilometres to keep our community safe.

We provide high quality clinical care, compassion, relief of pain and suffering and rescue and retrieval services to the more than 7.9 million people of NSW.

Why donate?

Your donation, big or small, will make a significant contribution to areas of need within NSW Ambulance.

As well as supporting additional equipment and resources, donations also help NSW Ambulance to deliver important community and workforce initiatives, events and education that would not otherwise be possible.

Make a donation

  • go to the NSW Health payment portal
  • select ‘Donate Here’
  • choose the area of need to support under the Area of Support drop-down menu:
    • Area of need
    • Medical and service equipment
    • Community events and education

Every donation over $2 is tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax receipt immediately.

Thank you for your generous contribution to NSW Ambulance.

If you or your organisation wish to make a donation over $9,999.99 please email

If you wish to make a bequest, go to Make a bequest page.

Corporate Donations

For more information about corporate donations, please email

Sponsoring Partnerships

Work with our team to engage with NSW Ambulance staff, partner audiences, industry and the public through a sponsoring partnership program.

  • Secure an association with a long-established, respected, and trusted organisation
  • Support initiatives that enable NSW Ambulance to continue to be a world leading emergency health service
  • Increase your staff morale and pride in your company through association with NSW Ambulance
  • Increase your organisation’s commitment to social purpose
  • Leverage your sponsoring partnership through our multiple marketing channels

Connect with our highly engaged staff, partner services and public audiences through media, digital, outdoor, events, experiences, internal communications and public campaigns.

For more information about sponsorship, please email: